Friday, May 11, 2012

Repeater, Whatever

Hey yah! It's been a long time since i've posted a new entry here on my blog. Sorry. So how's everybody? Well for me summer class is about to end (yeah!) and exams will be next week (Boo!). Taking 3 Math classes is a locco!! Anyway, since summer class is an everyday everyday washday ;((, Im really running out of clothes and yes i'm an outfit repeater but this summer class, I am trying not to repeat my clothes so that my other old clothes can be use. So since April 10 until now, I haven't repeated any of my clothes! haha. It's an achievement! So here's some of my outfits during my summer class, hope you'll like it :)

btw, photo's are edited via Frametastic and Instagram.

much love, melody <3